This is kind of interesting I've seen people doing it a lot so I thought its not a bad idea to let people (friends) know how are we doing. So, I'm not a very good writer and I'll give it a try. I'm 27 weeks pregnant and we are having a lilttle girl named Camila Rose Goold!. I could say Im the happiest person in the world right know because I have a husband that is a wonderful man and a lilttle girl growing inside of me. Everytime that Camila moves in my belly is such a wondeful feeling. I Think is so amazing how God gives life, Sometimes its really hard to think that I'm going to be a mommy it's so crazy!! I'm only 20 =O but I feel this is the most wonderful thing that ever happen to me. Steve and I decorated the baby's room is such a peaceful place until the baby arrives ofcourse. Steve is going to school but he will be done next may 2010 and we are so looking forward to that. I was going to school to become a nurse but for now I'm just working full time in a car dealer which is kind of fun but not what I would like to do for the rest of my life. Eventually I'm going to go back to school before we have another child. I don't have to many friends here in Utah. Actually, I have none friends here in Ut I'm still kind of new here. I moved here from CT about 1 year and 1/2 ago I like it pretty ok here. But I think Ct its much nicer than here. My parents live in Ct and I have an older sister Laura that lives in Peru and I haven't see her in a long long time. Hopefully soon ill see her again.Anyways, I don't want to bored you with my bad english ! Hope to write in this blog often as I can and let you know how the baby is doing! Adios!

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